Question: 1
Which of the following TOGAF components was created to enable architects to design architectures addressing Boundary less Information Flow?
A. The Architecture Repository
B. The Enterprise Continuum
C. The Integrated Information Infrastructure Model
D. The TOGAF Technical Reference Model
Answer: C
Question: 2
Which of the following best describes the TOGAF Technical Reference Model?
A. It is a detailed data model that can be tailored to specific industries
B. It is an example of a Common Systems Architecture
C. It is a fundamental architecture upon which more specific architectures can be based
D. It is a model of application components and application services software, including brokering applications
Answer: C
Question: 3
Which one of the following statements about the structure of the TOGAF 9 document is true?
A. Part I, the Enterprise Continuum, describes a model for structuring a virtual repository
B. Part II, the Architecture Development Method, describes the definitions of terms used in TOGAF, and the changes between versions of TOGAF
C. Part III, Tools and Support, describes a collection of guidelines and techniques used in the other parts of TOGAF
D. Part VI, TOGAF Reference Models, includes a model for release management of the TOGAF specification
E. Part VII, the Architecture Capability Framework, describes processes and skills to establish an enterprise function
Answer: E
Question: 4
Which phase of the ADM ensures that implementation projects conform to the defined architecture?
A. Requirements Management
B. Phase D
C. Phase F
D. Phase G
E. Phase H
Answer: D
Question: 5
Complete the sentence. The Requirements Management Phase _____________________.
A. addresses and resolves requirements between ADM phases
B. is a central process that prioritizes requirements for all ADM phases
C. is used to dispose of resolved requirements for all ADM phases
D. generates new requirements and passes them to all ADM phases
E. stores requirements and manages their flow into relevant ADM phases
Answer: E